At A Glance

Carthage data science majors learn how to analyze, interpret, and visualize data effectively while refining their ability to communicate results to non-technical audiences. The modern world is overflowing with data, and gaining insights from the data can improve decision-making, increase profits, optimize processes, or benefit a higher cause.


  • Data Science


  • Data Science

View Degree Requirements

Consisting largely of mathematics and computer science courses, the interdisciplinary program also carves out room for concentrations so students can apply their quantitative knowledge to fields like environmental science, business, and health care.

  • Clayton Markech ?24

    “I chose Carthage because I had the opportunity to get large-school experiences at a small school where the professors can get to know me personally.”

data Science Major Special academic options

Actuarial Science

Coursework at Carthage paves the way for students to pass two or more actuarial exams before graduating.

Study Actuarial Science

A student pursuing a major in data science in the classroom. Original Research

Research is built into the Carthage experience through the required senior thesis and options such as the paid Summer Undergraduate Research Experience. Data science majors often give presentations at professional conferences or publish their work in math journals and magazines.

Research at Carthage

Beyond the Classroom

The Data Science Club, Mathematics Club, Computer Science Club, and the campus chapter of honorary society Pi Mu Epsilon are popular among data science majors. Students can also compete in a math quiz show called Face Off!

Data Science student organizations


Where Carthage data Science Majors go

Although the formal data science program is relatively new, Carthage graduates have already put those skills to use for employers, such as:

  • Jockey International
  • Midwest Employers Casualty 
  • Nike

Hear from Carthage alumni


career options for data science majors

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects huge (36 percent) growth in the job market for data science majors through 2031, driven by the need for “organizations to make informed decisions and improve their business processes, to design and develop new products, and to market their products better.”

Careers in Data Science


SCHOLARSHIPS FOR Data Science majors

Carthage awards two full-tuition Math/Science Scholarships each year to incoming students. These scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate ability in data science, computer science, mathematics, and other natural sciences and are renewable for four years.